Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rock the Vote!

I was so excited yesterday about voting (as always). I arrived at 7:45 a.m...ready to cast my vote. I was ready to make the decision to vote for Obama or Clinton...or I guess McCain, Huckabee, or Romney...but if you know me at all you know that I didn't vote Republican =)...I was truly excited. Truthfully my decision was made long before I got there, but it still was a special moment. That moment made me realize just how far our country has come. So I voted...walked out...and eagerly awaited the results. I have always loved watching election results and last night was no different. My sister and I voted one way and my mother voted for another candidate...that caused a few "debates." As the election continues I cannot wait to see the outcome. Of course, whoever wins will have my support and prayers (Republican or Democrat), but truthfully I really hope the best WOMAN wins!

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