Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Week Home

My wonderful mother came to stay with us for a week when Austin was born. I don't know what I would have done without her. Anthony was wonderful, but he had to go back to work. I knew having a baby would be a lot of work, but I had NO clue how much work. Of course, Austin woke up every 2.5 hours of so. After his second feeding of the night, I would take him to my mom for remainder of the night. She would also take care of him during the day between feedings.
Anthony's dad, brother, nephew, aunt, and cousins came to visit the first week we were home. My dad, brother, and sister visted as well. The first week is a blur. Mainly what I remember is how emotional I was. Nobody warned me about the horrible effect that childbirth would have on my hormones. My emotions were all over the place and I cried frequently. When my mother left I cried for hours. Anthony was patient with me as I spent most of my time crying and googling "postpartum depression." After two weeks or so I was feeling much better!

Austin lost a little weight in the hospital, but he was back up to his birth weight in about a week. He is certainly a growing boy now.
Below are pictures from his first week home.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Austin's Arrival

Anthony and I were told to come to labor and delivery on Tuesday, September 7th to see if I had progressed. My blood pressure started to go up the last few weeks of my pregnancy and would not go back down. I had been on modified bedrest and I was READY to have this baby. When we arrived on Tuesday, I was still 70% effaced and only 1 cm dilated. I was having contractions,but I wasn't making any progress. Dr. Golden told me that Austin still hadn't dropped and I would need to have a c-section. He gave me the option of doing it that day, Thursday, or waiting until Wednesday or Thursday of the next week. I immediately said TODAY!

After I made that decision, I immmediately started second guessing myself. I wondered if it was too early and if Austin's lungs would be fully developed. I was 38 weeks and 5 days, but I still worried that maybe the baby wasn't "ready." I was scheduled to have the c-section at 1 p.m. I was terrified. I called my parents and told them it was time to head to Auburn.
Around 11 a.m. they started prepping me for surgery. I was given an IV and epidural (the doctor on staff didn't do spinals). Before I knew was time! I was rolled into the operating room around 1:20 or 1:30 p.m. They brought Anthony in a few minutes later and Austin was born at 1:42 p.m. His first cry was the sweetest sound I've ever heard! I immediately started crying when I heard him. They brought him over to let me see him and he was beautiful! He weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19.5 inches.

I will save all of the details of how horrible my recovery room experience need to relive that! My parents and Anthony were waiting in my room when I arrived from recovery. The first thing my Mom said to me when I saw her was "Amy, he's beautiful." Anthony and my Dad were both grinning from ear to ear. It was truly the most terrifying, emotional, amazing experience of my life.

I've included some of Austin's pictures from his "Birth Day."

On the way to the hospital

He's Here!

6 lbs. 12.5 oz.

Mommy and Austin

Daddy and Austin

Family of three!

Precious baby boy!

Rewind and Fast Forward

I have seriously considered deleting my blog. It is so far behind and I have missed blogging about so many important things. I decided that I would spend the next couple of weeks rewinding and catching up on all of the important things I missed. The first thing that I need to cover is Austin's arrival! I'll blog about that first thing tomorrow!