Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Week Home

My wonderful mother came to stay with us for a week when Austin was born. I don't know what I would have done without her. Anthony was wonderful, but he had to go back to work. I knew having a baby would be a lot of work, but I had NO clue how much work. Of course, Austin woke up every 2.5 hours of so. After his second feeding of the night, I would take him to my mom for remainder of the night. She would also take care of him during the day between feedings.
Anthony's dad, brother, nephew, aunt, and cousins came to visit the first week we were home. My dad, brother, and sister visted as well. The first week is a blur. Mainly what I remember is how emotional I was. Nobody warned me about the horrible effect that childbirth would have on my hormones. My emotions were all over the place and I cried frequently. When my mother left I cried for hours. Anthony was patient with me as I spent most of my time crying and googling "postpartum depression." After two weeks or so I was feeling much better!

Austin lost a little weight in the hospital, but he was back up to his birth weight in about a week. He is certainly a growing boy now.
Below are pictures from his first week home.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Austin's Arrival

Anthony and I were told to come to labor and delivery on Tuesday, September 7th to see if I had progressed. My blood pressure started to go up the last few weeks of my pregnancy and would not go back down. I had been on modified bedrest and I was READY to have this baby. When we arrived on Tuesday, I was still 70% effaced and only 1 cm dilated. I was having contractions,but I wasn't making any progress. Dr. Golden told me that Austin still hadn't dropped and I would need to have a c-section. He gave me the option of doing it that day, Thursday, or waiting until Wednesday or Thursday of the next week. I immediately said TODAY!

After I made that decision, I immmediately started second guessing myself. I wondered if it was too early and if Austin's lungs would be fully developed. I was 38 weeks and 5 days, but I still worried that maybe the baby wasn't "ready." I was scheduled to have the c-section at 1 p.m. I was terrified. I called my parents and told them it was time to head to Auburn.
Around 11 a.m. they started prepping me for surgery. I was given an IV and epidural (the doctor on staff didn't do spinals). Before I knew was time! I was rolled into the operating room around 1:20 or 1:30 p.m. They brought Anthony in a few minutes later and Austin was born at 1:42 p.m. His first cry was the sweetest sound I've ever heard! I immediately started crying when I heard him. They brought him over to let me see him and he was beautiful! He weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19.5 inches.

I will save all of the details of how horrible my recovery room experience need to relive that! My parents and Anthony were waiting in my room when I arrived from recovery. The first thing my Mom said to me when I saw her was "Amy, he's beautiful." Anthony and my Dad were both grinning from ear to ear. It was truly the most terrifying, emotional, amazing experience of my life.

I've included some of Austin's pictures from his "Birth Day."

On the way to the hospital

He's Here!

6 lbs. 12.5 oz.

Mommy and Austin

Daddy and Austin

Family of three!

Precious baby boy!

Rewind and Fast Forward

I have seriously considered deleting my blog. It is so far behind and I have missed blogging about so many important things. I decided that I would spend the next couple of weeks rewinding and catching up on all of the important things I missed. The first thing that I need to cover is Austin's arrival! I'll blog about that first thing tomorrow!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

An Eventful Month!

Things have been very eventful around our house this month. We have had three baby showers (2 in Auburn and 1 in Dothan), two trips to Labor and Delivery, and twice a week visits to the doctor. I guess I'll start with the trips to Labor and Delivery.

At 32 weeks I started having pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. I wasn't sure if they were contractions, but after almost two days of terrible pain I went to the hospital. When I got there we found out that I was having contractions about every 5 minutes. They weren't lasting long enough to cause labor, but they sure were painful. I was given a shot to stop them and they stopped after a few hours. Our second trip to labor and delivery was because of my increasing blood pressure. I have always had very good bp, but it has started to run a little higher in the last few weeks. Last week it was 145/94 and I was sent to hospital for more tests. They performed a non-stress test and everything looks great. My blood pressure was 109/74 at the I was put on modified bed rest. I've been going to the doctor twice a week and today I only dialated 1 cm and I am 70% effaced. The doctor told me that I will probably not make it to 40 weeks...that is fine with me as long as Austin is healthy. (I'm 37 weeks now). We will return to labor and delivery on Monday morning for more tests and hopefully a decision on when (or if) they will induce me.

On to better news....we have great family, friends, and co-workers who have been so generous to us. Austin has had 3 showers and has really gotten so great stuff! We are so excited about diapers, wipes, bottles...all things that would not have excited us a year ago. I have included a couple of pictures below.

Maybe my next post will be about Austin's healthy delivery!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Austin's Nursery

We are almost done with Austin's nursery. I think it turned out super cute! Anthony worked pretty hard putting everything together. Enjoy the pictures below.

The inside of the bedding.

Every child is a story yet to be told.

The little rocking chair was mine when I was growing up
and the big one was my grandparents rocking chair.

His "going home" outfit!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maternity Pictures

I was a little bit of a "Debbie Downer" during my last post, but I'm better now. You can see a preview of our maternity pictures by clicking the link below....I think she did an amazing job.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

7 months....3rd Trimester!!!!

All smiles....

but this is how I really feel about my increasing body and swollen face!

How far along are you? Almost 29 weeks

Total weight gain? 16 lbs. (Don't judge me!)

Maternity Clothes? Are getting to be uncomfortable now....I never thought I would feel that way, but I am getting so big that everything feels uncomfortable.

Sleep? Is great between the million trips to the bathroom and battles with heartburn and/or acid reflux

Best Moment of the Month? Taking our maternity pictures. It was really fun and it made it all feel so real.

Food Cravings? Fruit right now, but earlier this month it was sweets (I ate rice crispies, cupcakes, cake....EVERYTHING...which probably helps explain the 6 lb. weight gain!!)

Gender? BOY!!!

Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks. If that is just practice...I'll pass on the real thing.

Belly Button? Not an outie, but barely!

Stretch Marks? Two =(

What I miss the most? Cute shoes, cute clothes, seeing my feet, not being hot, walking like an human and not a duck...etc., etc., etc.

What I'm looking forward to the most? September and getting to meet my sweet baby!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

We have had a lot going on in the Ware house. My brother Tyler graduated from high school last month and we are very excited for him. He is the youngest of the children and of course I cried at his graduation. My cousin, Brittany, graduated as well. We were able to have tons of family there for their graduation. It was miserably hot and I was burning up...hence the red face!

Tyler and the family

Tyler and Brittany with the Aunts (my mom's sisters)

I also traveled to Lexington, Kentucky this month for a conference. I wasn't too excited about flying to Lexington six months pregnant, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. My hands and feet did swell, but not too much. I also was able to see a friend from high school and my cousins while I was there. It is always good to see people you haven't seen in a while. It was great to catch up with them.

The view from my hotel

The Woodford Reserve

Since my last post I have had another appointment with my OB, but I will save all of those details for my 7 month post. Anthony and I are almost done with the nursery. I'll post pictures of the nursery soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

6 months

How far along are you? 25 weeks

Total weight gain? 10 lbs.

Maternity Clothes? Are a must...I'm not sure I'll ever go back to wearing pants that button.

Sleep? I bought the boppy sleep pillow...that is really helping with my sleep.

Best Moment of the Month? Getting all of his furniture in. I can't wait to see the nursery all finished. Anthony has also been able to feel him's neat that we both can feel the little guy now.

Food Cravings? Today it's Reese's Cups

Gender? BOY!!!

Labor Signs? None really. I have had one braxton hicks.

Belly Button? Not an outie, but definitely an evie (even with the rest of my stomach)

Stretch Marks? Still just one.

What I miss the most? Cute shoes... my feet are too swollen to wear most of my shoes.

What I'm looking forward to the most? Getting his nursery ready.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5 months...a couple of weeks late.

How far along are you? 22 weeks

Total weight gain? 6 lbs. (At my last appointment I had lost 2 lbs., but I go back next week and I am sure I have gained that back plus some.)

Maternity Clothes? All the time!

Sleep? I've been sleeping okay, but I can't sleep on my stomach and I am really thinking about buying a special pillow.

Best Moment of the Month? Finding out that we are having healthy baby boy and I LOVE feeling him move around.

Food Cravings? Nothing really, but I am eating a lot more now.

Gender? BOY!!!

Labor Signs? None…way too early.

Belly Button? It's getting shallow.

Stretch Marks? One...I've been using cream to try to keep it at just one.

What I miss the most? Nothing really, but I can't wait to sleep on my stomach again.

What I'm looking forward to the most? Getting his nursery ready.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I knew it!!!

From the moment Anthony and I found out we were having a baby, I have thought it was a boy. I don't know why it was just a feeling that I had. We went for our ultrasound yesterday and they confirmed that we are having a BOY!!!

We are so excited. I even made a photo album of the ultrasound pictures and Anthony took it to work "to show off his boy." My due date was moved up to September 16th! I cannot wait to finally be able to really look at clothes and nursery bedding (I'm not the kind of girl who likes neutral stuff).

I must admit that I am pretty proud of my mother's intuition!

Love at first sight!

It's a boy...I'm sure he would not appreciate me showing his "business" to everyone!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4 months!

I can't believe I am already 4 months pregnant. We find out the gender of the baby in 2 weeks!!! I am so excited and cannot wait to start shopping.

I went home to Dothan for Easter to spend time with my sweet family. It was tons of fun, but I spent way too much time outside on Saturday. I am sure paying for it now. The pollen is so heavy and my allergies are killing me.

I've posted a picture below. I know that I look really big, but I swear I'm only 4 months. My mother keeps joking about me being pregnant with twins....NOT FUNNY!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekly Update

I've seen this questionnaire on a lot of blogs and I have decided to include it on mine.

How far along are you? 15 weeks

Total weight gain? 8 lbs. (I’m not sure how the heck that happened so fast!)

Maternity Clothes? Most of my clothes don’t fit anymore. I do still wear my dresses, but pants are completely out of the question.

Sleep? I really sleep pretty good, but I do have to go to the bathroom several times a night.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at my appointment this week.

Food Cravings? Nothing really, but I do love grape soda now (it’s caffeine free too!)

Gender? We find out on April 21st, but I think we are having a boy.

Labor Signs? None…way too early.

Belly Button? It’s deep in the morning, but it gets shallow by the end of the day.

Stretch Marks? None that I didn’t have before getting pregnant =)

What I miss the most? Honestly…..margaritas. I didn’t even drink them often, but it’s just that I CAN’T have one that makes me miss them. I’m not a lush or anything I promise.

What I'm looking forward to the most? Finding out the gender of the baby next month!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're Expanding!

It has been a LONG time since I've blogged. I haven't been blogging for couple of reasons, but the main reason is that I couldn't talk about what I really wanted to. WE ARE HAVING A BABY!

Anthony and I are so excited, but we decided to wait a while before telling anybody. I am 14 weeks and my due date September 18th (one week before my 31st birthday). We started "trying" to have a baby in October and got pregnant in December. I was so shocked when the pregnancy test was positive. On a whim, I decided to take a pregnancy test...I had no real reason to test...I wasn't even late. I took the digital test and it was POSITIVE. Well I didn't trust it so I drove to the drug store and bought two more tests. Both tests had two lines. Anthony was at work so as soon as he walked in the door, I called him in the bathroom and asked him how many lines he saw. I just wanted someone else to confirm that I wasn't losing my mind.

My mother was the only person I told for several weeks. We finally went public last week. Yesterday we had an appointment and we were able to hear the heartbeat for the second time. It was just the sweetest sound. We find out the gender at our next appointment! I can't wait. Neither of us really cares if it's a boy or girl, but I think we are having a boy.

I think I will be a lot better at that I have something to blog about.

With my siblings after they found out!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....a little late!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We had a great time and can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us. I was off of work for two weeks...woo hoo! I have had a two week Christmas break for the past 7 years and I couldn't imagine not having it...maybe that's why I continue to work in education.

I spent a lot of the two weeks in Dothan visiting family. I'm not a good wife, because I left my sweet husband in Auburn all alone to fend for himself. Anthony works incredibly long hours during this time of year and I WAS NOT going to spend my vacation alone. I spent the first week at my parent's house. It is always good to visit family, but I must admit I like being a my own house too. My mother is definitely the queen of her castle and I was anxious to get back the house where I reign.

On Christmas day we went to four houses. Christmas morning was spent with the Wares, lunch with the Yelvertons, dinner with the McElroys, and dessert with the Thomas family....I was exhausted, but glad to see everyone. Christmas this year was a little different not having some cherised loved ones there, but we made it through and managed to have a little fun in the process. On the day after Christmas, we went to visit Anthony's grandmother in Birmingham.

New Year's was low key. We went out to a nice dinner and to a movie. We went to see It's Complicated....Anthony choice, but I'm sure he did it for me. It was a very cute movie and I laughed almost the entire time.

2009 was certainly a year of change for us. We got married, I changed jobs, we moved, my grandmother and Anthony's mother passed...HOWEVER, we made it through all of that and are stronger because of it. I am looking forward to a wonderful 2010 and all of the blessings that the Lord has in store for us!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Our First Christmas!

The family!

My mom, sister, and brother all got new ipods for Christmas...I didn't...I was a good girl this year I promise!