Anthony and I are so excited, but we decided to wait a while before telling anybody. I am 14 weeks and my due date September 18th (one week before my 31st birthday). We started "trying" to have a baby in October and got pregnant in December. I was so shocked when the pregnancy test was positive. On a whim, I decided to take a pregnancy test...I had no real reason to test...I wasn't even late. I took the digital test and it was POSITIVE. Well I didn't trust it so I drove to the drug store and bought two more tests. Both tests had two lines. Anthony was at work so as soon as he walked in the door, I called him in the bathroom and asked him how many lines he saw. I just wanted someone else to confirm that I wasn't losing my mind.
My mother was the only person I told for several weeks. We finally went public last week. Yesterday we had an appointment and we were able to hear the heartbeat for the second time. It was just the sweetest sound. We find out the gender at our next appointment! I can't wait. Neither of us really cares if it's a boy or girl, but I think we are having a boy.
I think I will be a lot better at that I have something to blog about.

With my siblings after they found out!
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