We have had a lot going on in the Ware house. My brother Tyler graduated from high school last month and we are very excited for him. He is the youngest of the children and of course I cried at his graduation. My cousin, Brittany, graduated as well. We were able to have tons of family there for their graduation. It was miserably hot and I was burning up...hence the red face!
Tyler and the family
Tyler and Brittany with the Aunts (my mom's sisters)
I also traveled to Lexington, Kentucky this month for a conference. I wasn't too excited about flying to Lexington six months pregnant, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. My hands and feet did swell, but not too much. I also was able to see a friend from high school and my cousins while I was there. It is always good to see people you haven't seen in a while. It was great to catch up with them.
The view from my hotel
The Woodford Reserve
Since my last post I have had another appointment with my OB, but I will save all of those details for my 7 month post. Anthony and I are almost done with the nursery. I'll post pictures of the nursery soon.
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