At 32 weeks I started having pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. I wasn't sure if they were contractions, but after almost two days of terrible pain I went to the hospital. When I got there we found out that I was having contractions about every 5 minutes. They weren't lasting long enough to cause labor, but they sure were painful. I was given a shot to stop them and they stopped after a few hours. Our second trip to labor and delivery was because of my increasing blood pressure. I have always had very good bp, but it has started to run a little higher in the last few weeks. Last week it was 145/94 and I was sent to hospital for more tests. They performed a non-stress test and everything looks great. My blood pressure was 109/74 at the I was put on modified bed rest. I've been going to the doctor twice a week and today I only dialated 1 cm and I am 70% effaced. The doctor told me that I will probably not make it to 40 weeks...that is fine with me as long as Austin is healthy. (I'm 37 weeks now). We will return to labor and delivery on Monday morning for more tests and hopefully a decision on when (or if) they will induce me.
On to better news....we have great family, friends, and co-workers who have been so generous to us. Austin has had 3 showers and has really gotten so great stuff! We are so excited about diapers, wipes, bottles...all things that would not have excited us a year ago. I have included a couple of pictures below.

Maybe my next post will be about Austin's healthy delivery!
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