Friday, May 14, 2010

5 months...a couple of weeks late.

How far along are you? 22 weeks

Total weight gain? 6 lbs. (At my last appointment I had lost 2 lbs., but I go back next week and I am sure I have gained that back plus some.)

Maternity Clothes? All the time!

Sleep? I've been sleeping okay, but I can't sleep on my stomach and I am really thinking about buying a special pillow.

Best Moment of the Month? Finding out that we are having healthy baby boy and I LOVE feeling him move around.

Food Cravings? Nothing really, but I am eating a lot more now.

Gender? BOY!!!

Labor Signs? None…way too early.

Belly Button? It's getting shallow.

Stretch Marks? One...I've been using cream to try to keep it at just one.

What I miss the most? Nothing really, but I can't wait to sleep on my stomach again.

What I'm looking forward to the most? Getting his nursery ready.

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