December was a blast! I was able to spend a lot of time with Austin during the Christmas break. He is so active now. He has started to really play with toys and he has learned to laugh. Austin's laugh is the sweetest sound. He got his first cold in December. It was so sad to see him sick, but he was still the same happy baby!

3 months old!
14 lbs. (48th percentile)
23.5 inches (26th percentile)
So much for tummy time
Austin still hasn't learned to roll over. We try tummy time, but he hates it! He usually gets really fussy or just falls asleep. He has reached all of the other milestones, but he has not interest in rolling over.

My sister, Gelisicia, graduated from Troy Univesity this month. She now has her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. She already has a job at a local hospital in Dothan! Gege worked so hard in school and we are so proud of her. Austin was great at graduation....he didn't cry once. He did however decide to that he needed to have a major blow out during the graduation. Oh well, you can't win them all.

Christmas is my favorite holiday and we were so excited about Austin's first Christmas. I took Austin to meet Santa on campus (in front of Samford Hall). He didn't seem to mind Santa holding him at all. We'll see how he feels about Santa next year.

We traveled back to Dothan for Christmas. Austin was indifferent about the whole thing and really only seemed interested in eating the wrapping paper. I did however get some really cute pictures of him!

Mommy and Daddy's favorite present!

Santa was really good to Austin this year. He even brought him a #2 Cam Newton jersey! I guess Santa really is an Auburn fan!

Ware Family- Christmas 2010
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