After the rehearsal dinner, my friend Crystal hosted a lingerie shower in my honor at her house. It was so much fun, but most of those pictures WILL NOT ever be seen by the general public. There are pictures of me opening my lingerie gifts, but trust me those pictures are mild compared to what could have been shown.
Saturday morning my mother, sister, two of my aunts, cousin, two great aunts and I went to get our hair ready for the wedding. The beautician is a family friend and she did a great job. I really loved my hair (it looked just like the picture I brought). We all were SUPPOSED to arrive at the church at noon for pictures to begin at 1 p.m. That didn't happen, but everyone was at the church and ready for pictures by 1:15 p.m. I didn't even get stressed or angry...which is weird because nothing usually bothers me more than people being late! My mom and sister are still amazed that I didn't turn into a bridezilla throughout the wedding planning process. My mom said last night "you were even more pleasant than usual"...I'm still not quite sure how I should take that. Anthony and I saw each other first before anyone else entered the church sanctuary for pictures. We both cried...I am so glad we had some alone time before the wedding and I wouldn't change taking pictures before the wedding. Some people weren't too keen on us seeing each other before the wedding, but it really was perfect. After a couple of hours of pictures we were finally ready to get started.
I started crying even before the doors opened for my dad and I to walk in. Anthony and I both cried throughout most of the beginning. We wrote our own vows to each other and his vows were really great! I didn't realize until about half way through the wedding that we were not the only ones crying....EVERYBODY was.
After the wedding we left for the reception. The reception was a ton of fun. The food was great, decorations were beautiful and we danced the night away. Anthony and I were literally the last people to leave our reception. (We did our "official" exit from the church so that we wouldn't feel pressured to leave the reception early).
I am still so overwhelmed by the love that we received that weekend. Weddings really are about love. Not just our love for each other, but our love for God. We vowed not only to each other, but also to the Lord that we will dedicate our marriage to him.
I just have to share Anthony's vows with you.
"I recognize that God has blessed me and entrusted me with your life as a free gift I have not earned. I want to be your husband so that we may serve Jesus together. Through all the uncertainties and trials of the present and future. I promise to love, guide, protect, and be faithful to you, as Jesus does his church as long as we both shall live."
Did I marry a great guy or what? We didn't know what the other wrote until they were said.
Below are some pictures...sorry for the long post. I will I have write about the honeymoon another time.

Aisle Runner

Decorations at Church

My bouquet...the charms are pictures of both of my grandads.

The bride and groom

Anthony and the bridesmaids
Amy and the groomsmen
The groom's cake...somehow I don't have a picture of the wedding cake.
Dancing the night away!
I would kill for some more of that coconut cake!!!
Congratulations! Everyone looks so pretty! Love the decorations and the cake.
Your wedding weekend was so much fun! I'll see you this weekend!
Congratulations and it's about time:)
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