We have had enough of sad times this past few months. I am praying that there will not be any more sad stuff to blog about for a VERY long time!
Anthony and I had a great Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving this year was at our house. So his Dad, brother, sister, niece and nephew came to Auburn to celebrate with us. Anyone who knows me realizes that I am not a domestic goddess. So I drove all the way to Dothan the day before Thanksgiving to pick up our Thanksgiving dinner that my mom prepared for us. Thanks Mom...you are a lifesaver!
Eventhough all I had to do was put the dressing in the stove to cook and warm up the collard greens...I still had a little trouble. Apparently, I put too much dressing in the pan and it FOREVER to cook it. I called my mom (several times) to ask her what I should do...she finally called my sister-in-law and told her to help me...LOL!
Thankfully we will be in Dothan for Christmas so no more kitchen mishaps for me on the next holiday.
I was crazy enough to go to Wal-Mart on black Friday at 3 a.m. with my brother-in-law and niece and nephew. It was crazy, but successful. I didn't even buy anything, but he did!
After a nap, I watched the Iron Bowl. Although Auburn didn't win, I must admit I was still pretty proud! WAR EAGLE!!!! Anthony and I got a real Christmas tree (after much compromise....I wanted a real and he wanted a fake one). You should have seen us with a 7-8 ft. Christmas tree on top of the Durango driving around Auburn. Of course we didn't just go straight home after buying the tree...we drove around town looking like the Griswold's from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
I am excited about Christmas and looking forward to the new year!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
She will be missed!
My mother-in-law passed away on Friday, November 6th. She was only 51 years old and was a wonderful person. The family is missing her dearly. Mrs. Ware was one of those people who always made you feel comfortable and like family in her home. She loved to cook (and was really good at it). I have always been so impressed by her love for her family. She was the best mother Anthony, Dana, and William could have asked for. Mrs. Ware was always involved at their schools and NEVER missed an activity they were in. She was also a loving grandmother. It was always so nice to see the bond between her and her grandkids. One of the things I am most inspired by is the relationship that my mother-in-law and father-in-law had. I admire their devotion and love for one another and I can only pray that Anthony and I will have as strong a marriage (and as long) as they did.
I feel so blessed to have had her as my "second mom" for so long. I first met her when Anthony and I were in the 5th grade. I spent almost every weekend hanging out at their house during high school and college. One of the things that made me fall even more in love with Anthony was his family. There are not many families that stick together like theirs. Mrs. Ware has the nicest and most welcoming Mother and Siblings....I have truly been blessed to be able to be a part of such a wonderful family.
While I am sad that we will not have her here with us. I am happy that she is with our heavenly father and that we will get to see her again one day.

Mrs. Ware at my bridal shower

The Ware Family
I feel so blessed to have had her as my "second mom" for so long. I first met her when Anthony and I were in the 5th grade. I spent almost every weekend hanging out at their house during high school and college. One of the things that made me fall even more in love with Anthony was his family. There are not many families that stick together like theirs. Mrs. Ware has the nicest and most welcoming Mother and Siblings....I have truly been blessed to be able to be a part of such a wonderful family.
While I am sad that we will not have her here with us. I am happy that she is with our heavenly father and that we will get to see her again one day.
Mrs. Ware at my bridal shower

The Ware Family
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Things that make you go hmmm?!
Not much is going on in our world. We are just working (way too many hours a week), but we are so blessed to have jobs in this tough economy. Thank you Lord!
I will admit that I watch too much television...trash tv to be exact. So I often find myself thinking about things that are not necessarily important and certainly don't have an effect on my daily life. However, I also think a lot about things that do have a direct effect on me. Here are few things that have been occupying my mind lately:
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin- I HATE Jon Gosselin. Maybe hate is a little too strong (considering I have never even met him), but I really dislike him. It drives me crazy when people let fame rule their lives. He is such a whiner. I'm am so sick of hearing how mean and nasty Kate is. I am really mean and nasty sometimes too....and I don't have EIGHT kids. So what if she isn't the most pleasant person...suck it up Jon! I stopped watching the show when they announced they were separating. It just changed the whole show for me and I couldn't watch this family be torn apart.

2. Bridezilla! Why is someone actually marrying these women? Don't they know it is hard enough to make a marriage work when both people are sane (at least somewhat sane). I love this show and can't help,but to watch this train wreck.

3. How long is too long? I ask this question only because I am still REALLY grieving over the lose of my Grandma Clara. There isn't a day (an hour really) that goes by that I don't think about her. At least once a week, I find myself in tears over not having her here with us. I know that is so selfish, but I really miss her. My mom says to just "give it time", but I still wonder how long is too long to feel this way?

4. Auburn Football- Now I LOVE my Auburn Tigers, but come on...losing three games in a row is still a little much (even for us avid supporters). Don't get me wrong...I still believe we can salvage this season. All it would take for me is a win on November 27th!!! Although, I would prefer to win a few more between now and then. WDE!!!

5. Tyler. My little brother to be exact. He is just a great kid. He is the best 17-year-old kid I know. I love Tyler so much and I am so proud of him. By the way, he was the leading player in yardage at this week's rivalry high school football game. Tyler plays for my high school's rival (Dothan High School...I went to Northview), but I can't help but to cheer him on! Although I am proud of him athletically, I am most proud of his character. My parents have raised an amazing young man and I feel like he doesn't know just how proud we all are of him. I think being a teenage boy is so much harder than it was for me to be a teenage girl...he has handled it beautifully!

6. Money. Can you ever really have enough? That's all I have to say about that!
I will admit that I watch too much television...trash tv to be exact. So I often find myself thinking about things that are not necessarily important and certainly don't have an effect on my daily life. However, I also think a lot about things that do have a direct effect on me. Here are few things that have been occupying my mind lately:
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin- I HATE Jon Gosselin. Maybe hate is a little too strong (considering I have never even met him), but I really dislike him. It drives me crazy when people let fame rule their lives. He is such a whiner. I'm am so sick of hearing how mean and nasty Kate is. I am really mean and nasty sometimes too....and I don't have EIGHT kids. So what if she isn't the most pleasant person...suck it up Jon! I stopped watching the show when they announced they were separating. It just changed the whole show for me and I couldn't watch this family be torn apart.

2. Bridezilla! Why is someone actually marrying these women? Don't they know it is hard enough to make a marriage work when both people are sane (at least somewhat sane). I love this show and can't help,but to watch this train wreck.

3. How long is too long? I ask this question only because I am still REALLY grieving over the lose of my Grandma Clara. There isn't a day (an hour really) that goes by that I don't think about her. At least once a week, I find myself in tears over not having her here with us. I know that is so selfish, but I really miss her. My mom says to just "give it time", but I still wonder how long is too long to feel this way?

4. Auburn Football- Now I LOVE my Auburn Tigers, but come on...losing three games in a row is still a little much (even for us avid supporters). Don't get me wrong...I still believe we can salvage this season. All it would take for me is a win on November 27th!!! Although, I would prefer to win a few more between now and then. WDE!!!

5. Tyler. My little brother to be exact. He is just a great kid. He is the best 17-year-old kid I know. I love Tyler so much and I am so proud of him. By the way, he was the leading player in yardage at this week's rivalry high school football game. Tyler plays for my high school's rival (Dothan High School...I went to Northview), but I can't help but to cheer him on! Although I am proud of him athletically, I am most proud of his character. My parents have raised an amazing young man and I feel like he doesn't know just how proud we all are of him. I think being a teenage boy is so much harder than it was for me to be a teenage girl...he has handled it beautifully!

6. Money. Can you ever really have enough? That's all I have to say about that!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Warning: If you are getting married, DON'T register for gifts!
Okay so I know this is going to make me sound ungrateful and I promise that I am not, BUT I feel that it is my duty to warn all of the poor, naive, future brides...DON'T register. Sure registering for gifts is tons of fun when you are doing it. I mean who doesn't love going to a store and making a wish list of things for other people to buy for you. I will admit that you will also feel like a kid at Christmas when gifts start to arrive. It's really great coming home everyday and finding a new gift on your doorstep. That is where the fun ends.
First of all, AFTER writing (by yourself) ten thousand "thank you" notes...you will realize that you have no room to store all of these gifts. You will be newlyweds which means you are POOR. Your house will be way too small for all of these gifts. Now you won't figure this out until your Mom calls you six months after your wedding to let you know that your gifts HAVE to be moved out of her house.
Second, when you finally get around to getting the gifts from your parents house and putting them away....Suddenly you will realize that you have 3 blenders (eventhough you returned tons of stuff)! As a side note: your husband won't be any help in this situation....he will simply say "keep them all" and your reply will be "WHERE?....do you want to store them in the bathtub?"
Third, when you FINALLY find somewhere to store the gifts (in every corner, closet, and under every bed in your house...you will wonder why you even asked for most of these things. I'm sure when you are registering you have some fantasy of being the next Julia Childs or Martha Stewart. After six months, that dream will be gone. You will realize that being a "good" wife has nothing to do with cooking. Let's be realistic, my husband and I both work over 40 hours a week...I am not coming home to make homemade pizza....we will be calling Papa Johns, Dominoes and if he is really lucky (i.e. it is after payday) we will order Pizza Hut.
I know your Moms and Grandmoms have all of these wonderful things that you feel like you MUST have too, but remember they have collected these things over MANY years. Luckily, my Mom doesn't read my blog so she won't be telling me how unappreciative I am. By the way, I truly appreciate all of the gifts we were given...you ALL even got thank-you notes within six weeks after the wedding!
I am reading the book "The Undomestic Goddess"....how appropriate!
P.S. If you want to keep peace in your marriage don't go to Home Depot or Lowe's with your husband. It will just leave you wondering WHY we are passing by 10+ employees and won't ask them where the dryer cords are....you will break down and finally ask yourself...only to hear him say "I knew where they were."
By the way...I really do love my husband, but Men really are from Mars!
First of all, AFTER writing (by yourself) ten thousand "thank you" notes...you will realize that you have no room to store all of these gifts. You will be newlyweds which means you are POOR. Your house will be way too small for all of these gifts. Now you won't figure this out until your Mom calls you six months after your wedding to let you know that your gifts HAVE to be moved out of her house.
Second, when you finally get around to getting the gifts from your parents house and putting them away....Suddenly you will realize that you have 3 blenders (eventhough you returned tons of stuff)! As a side note: your husband won't be any help in this situation....he will simply say "keep them all" and your reply will be "WHERE?....do you want to store them in the bathtub?"
Third, when you FINALLY find somewhere to store the gifts (in every corner, closet, and under every bed in your house...you will wonder why you even asked for most of these things. I'm sure when you are registering you have some fantasy of being the next Julia Childs or Martha Stewart. After six months, that dream will be gone. You will realize that being a "good" wife has nothing to do with cooking. Let's be realistic, my husband and I both work over 40 hours a week...I am not coming home to make homemade pizza....we will be calling Papa Johns, Dominoes and if he is really lucky (i.e. it is after payday) we will order Pizza Hut.
I know your Moms and Grandmoms have all of these wonderful things that you feel like you MUST have too, but remember they have collected these things over MANY years. Luckily, my Mom doesn't read my blog so she won't be telling me how unappreciative I am. By the way, I truly appreciate all of the gifts we were given...you ALL even got thank-you notes within six weeks after the wedding!
I am reading the book "The Undomestic Goddess"....how appropriate!
P.S. If you want to keep peace in your marriage don't go to Home Depot or Lowe's with your husband. It will just leave you wondering WHY we are passing by 10+ employees and won't ask them where the dryer cords are....you will break down and finally ask yourself...only to hear him say "I knew where they were."
By the way...I really do love my husband, but Men really are from Mars!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Where do I begin?
A lot has happened in my life since my last post on August 1st. I'm not quite sure where to begin with this post. Let's start with the bad news.
On September 1st my grandmother passed away. It all happened very quickly. She was taken to the hospital on August 31st around 11 p.m. and died at 3 p.m. on the 1st. My grandmother was a wonderful lady (I still find it very hard to refer to her in the past tense). She was smart, pretty, loving, strong and determined. It has been really hard losing her. We were very close and I miss her dearly. It's hard to believe that I can't just drop by to see her or call her just to say "hello." The small things have been the hardest. We both were fans of Dancing With the Stars. When it premiered this season I just couldn't stand to watch. Usually, one of us would call after every show just to talk about the dances...who we liked, who we didn't like and usually my grandmother would talk about how "inappropriate" the outfits or dances were. My grandmother was ALWAYS a lady! The only peace I can find in this situation is that she lived a wonderful life. She lived long enough to see her chidren and some grandchildren grow up! She had a fabulous career and traveled after retirement. She was able to dedicate time to the causes that she believed in. She LIVED life! I am especially (selfishly) thankful that my grandmother was at my wedding. I was able to share the planning (frustration) with her and the tremendous joy with her! I will ALWAYS miss her, but I cannot even begin to explain how thankful I am to have been able to spend so many years with her.

Grandma and me on my wedding day- April 18th.
Okay, on to some happier news. I got a new job! I am working at Auburn University and I love it. Auburn has always been so special to me and now I get paid to go there every day. I must admit that I am just a little bit tickled that my Alabama Alum husband now resides in Auburn too!
I had been on the hunt for a job for a LONG time. The day my grandmother passed away, I got a call from Auburn with an offer. Some may say that this was a coincidence, but I don't buy it. This was God. I kept wondering why it was taking me so long to find something in the Montgomery/Auburn area. As it turns out God had other plans. He wanted to me to be in Dothan with my grandmother (for both of our sake) until he was ready to separate us. Thank you Lord!

God Bless and War Eagle!!!
On September 1st my grandmother passed away. It all happened very quickly. She was taken to the hospital on August 31st around 11 p.m. and died at 3 p.m. on the 1st. My grandmother was a wonderful lady (I still find it very hard to refer to her in the past tense). She was smart, pretty, loving, strong and determined. It has been really hard losing her. We were very close and I miss her dearly. It's hard to believe that I can't just drop by to see her or call her just to say "hello." The small things have been the hardest. We both were fans of Dancing With the Stars. When it premiered this season I just couldn't stand to watch. Usually, one of us would call after every show just to talk about the dances...who we liked, who we didn't like and usually my grandmother would talk about how "inappropriate" the outfits or dances were. My grandmother was ALWAYS a lady! The only peace I can find in this situation is that she lived a wonderful life. She lived long enough to see her chidren and some grandchildren grow up! She had a fabulous career and traveled after retirement. She was able to dedicate time to the causes that she believed in. She LIVED life! I am especially (selfishly) thankful that my grandmother was at my wedding. I was able to share the planning (frustration) with her and the tremendous joy with her! I will ALWAYS miss her, but I cannot even begin to explain how thankful I am to have been able to spend so many years with her.

Grandma and me on my wedding day- April 18th.
Okay, on to some happier news. I got a new job! I am working at Auburn University and I love it. Auburn has always been so special to me and now I get paid to go there every day. I must admit that I am just a little bit tickled that my Alabama Alum husband now resides in Auburn too!
I had been on the hunt for a job for a LONG time. The day my grandmother passed away, I got a call from Auburn with an offer. Some may say that this was a coincidence, but I don't buy it. This was God. I kept wondering why it was taking me so long to find something in the Montgomery/Auburn area. As it turns out God had other plans. He wanted to me to be in Dothan with my grandmother (for both of our sake) until he was ready to separate us. Thank you Lord!

God Bless and War Eagle!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Finally a honeymoon post...three months later!
Anthony and I have really enjoyed married life...I wonder what took us so long to do it! I promised (three months ago) to blog about our honeymoon. We went on a Royal Caribbean cruise to Nassau, Bahamas. We had a wonderful honeymoon. We started off by sailing to Coco Cay, Bahamas. Somehow I had the (brief insanity)great idea to go parasailing. I am terrified of heights, but miraculously I LOVED parasailing. The next day we went to Nassau. Nassau was wonderful. It was much better than I remembered it...last time I went it was with my grandparents. I love my grandparents, but the Bahamas was much better with my husband. While in Nassau we rode/drove segways through the rough terrain of the forest. At least, that't what I'll call it.
It was a blast...we ate way tooooo much food...and slept way toooo much, but isn't that what vacation is about. Anthony would really like to go on a cruise each year for our anniversary, but we will have to see how life plays out. Here are some pictures.

I thought we would go broke just paying all of the tolls to get to Cape Canaveral, FL

You have to love the safety drill!

On the hammock in Coco Cay...before parasailing.

The view was amazing...I actually think I may do it again...someday!

In Coco Cay with the ship behind us.

The segways in Nassau

On the deck after dinner one night

I just the love the sunset!

Beautiful...man I wish I was there right now!
It was a blast...we ate way tooooo much food...and slept way toooo much, but isn't that what vacation is about. Anthony would really like to go on a cruise each year for our anniversary, but we will have to see how life plays out. Here are some pictures.
I thought we would go broke just paying all of the tolls to get to Cape Canaveral, FL
You have to love the safety drill!
On the hammock in Coco Cay...before parasailing.
The view was amazing...I actually think I may do it again...someday!
In Coco Cay with the ship behind us.
The segways in Nassau
On the deck after dinner one night
I just the love the sunset!
Beautiful...man I wish I was there right now!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We're Married!
Anthony and I had a wonderful wedding and honeymoon. It's really kinda sad to be back to reality, but I guess it had to happen. The wedding weekend started with a wedding party lunch at Highland Oaks Golf Course. I know that traditionally people have bridesmaid's luncheons, but we wanted our entire wedding party (groomsmen and bridesmaids) to be there. It was nice for everyone to get to meet each other before the rehearsal. Friday night we had the rehearsal followed by the rehearsal dinner given by Anthony's parents. Anthony's mom, grandma, and aunts catered....Oh my gosh was the food wonderful. Everyone was amazed at how great the food was. His grandma's coconut cake is legendary. My mother is still talking about it!
After the rehearsal dinner, my friend Crystal hosted a lingerie shower in my honor at her house. It was so much fun, but most of those pictures WILL NOT ever be seen by the general public. There are pictures of me opening my lingerie gifts, but trust me those pictures are mild compared to what could have been shown.
Saturday morning my mother, sister, two of my aunts, cousin, two great aunts and I went to get our hair ready for the wedding. The beautician is a family friend and she did a great job. I really loved my hair (it looked just like the picture I brought). We all were SUPPOSED to arrive at the church at noon for pictures to begin at 1 p.m. That didn't happen, but everyone was at the church and ready for pictures by 1:15 p.m. I didn't even get stressed or angry...which is weird because nothing usually bothers me more than people being late! My mom and sister are still amazed that I didn't turn into a bridezilla throughout the wedding planning process. My mom said last night "you were even more pleasant than usual"...I'm still not quite sure how I should take that. Anthony and I saw each other first before anyone else entered the church sanctuary for pictures. We both cried...I am so glad we had some alone time before the wedding and I wouldn't change taking pictures before the wedding. Some people weren't too keen on us seeing each other before the wedding, but it really was perfect. After a couple of hours of pictures we were finally ready to get started.
I started crying even before the doors opened for my dad and I to walk in. Anthony and I both cried throughout most of the beginning. We wrote our own vows to each other and his vows were really great! I didn't realize until about half way through the wedding that we were not the only ones crying....EVERYBODY was.
After the wedding we left for the reception. The reception was a ton of fun. The food was great, decorations were beautiful and we danced the night away. Anthony and I were literally the last people to leave our reception. (We did our "official" exit from the church so that we wouldn't feel pressured to leave the reception early).
I am still so overwhelmed by the love that we received that weekend. Weddings really are about love. Not just our love for each other, but our love for God. We vowed not only to each other, but also to the Lord that we will dedicate our marriage to him.
I just have to share Anthony's vows with you.
"I recognize that God has blessed me and entrusted me with your life as a free gift I have not earned. I want to be your husband so that we may serve Jesus together. Through all the uncertainties and trials of the present and future. I promise to love, guide, protect, and be faithful to you, as Jesus does his church as long as we both shall live."
Did I marry a great guy or what? We didn't know what the other wrote until they were said.
Below are some pictures...sorry for the long post. I will I have write about the honeymoon another time.

Aisle Runner

Decorations at Church

My bouquet...the charms are pictures of both of my grandads.

The bride and groom

Anthony and the bridesmaids

Amy and the groomsmen

The groom's cake...somehow I don't have a picture of the wedding cake.

Dancing the night away!
After the rehearsal dinner, my friend Crystal hosted a lingerie shower in my honor at her house. It was so much fun, but most of those pictures WILL NOT ever be seen by the general public. There are pictures of me opening my lingerie gifts, but trust me those pictures are mild compared to what could have been shown.
Saturday morning my mother, sister, two of my aunts, cousin, two great aunts and I went to get our hair ready for the wedding. The beautician is a family friend and she did a great job. I really loved my hair (it looked just like the picture I brought). We all were SUPPOSED to arrive at the church at noon for pictures to begin at 1 p.m. That didn't happen, but everyone was at the church and ready for pictures by 1:15 p.m. I didn't even get stressed or angry...which is weird because nothing usually bothers me more than people being late! My mom and sister are still amazed that I didn't turn into a bridezilla throughout the wedding planning process. My mom said last night "you were even more pleasant than usual"...I'm still not quite sure how I should take that. Anthony and I saw each other first before anyone else entered the church sanctuary for pictures. We both cried...I am so glad we had some alone time before the wedding and I wouldn't change taking pictures before the wedding. Some people weren't too keen on us seeing each other before the wedding, but it really was perfect. After a couple of hours of pictures we were finally ready to get started.
I started crying even before the doors opened for my dad and I to walk in. Anthony and I both cried throughout most of the beginning. We wrote our own vows to each other and his vows were really great! I didn't realize until about half way through the wedding that we were not the only ones crying....EVERYBODY was.
After the wedding we left for the reception. The reception was a ton of fun. The food was great, decorations were beautiful and we danced the night away. Anthony and I were literally the last people to leave our reception. (We did our "official" exit from the church so that we wouldn't feel pressured to leave the reception early).
I am still so overwhelmed by the love that we received that weekend. Weddings really are about love. Not just our love for each other, but our love for God. We vowed not only to each other, but also to the Lord that we will dedicate our marriage to him.
I just have to share Anthony's vows with you.
"I recognize that God has blessed me and entrusted me with your life as a free gift I have not earned. I want to be your husband so that we may serve Jesus together. Through all the uncertainties and trials of the present and future. I promise to love, guide, protect, and be faithful to you, as Jesus does his church as long as we both shall live."
Did I marry a great guy or what? We didn't know what the other wrote until they were said.
Below are some pictures...sorry for the long post. I will I have write about the honeymoon another time.

Aisle Runner

Decorations at Church

My bouquet...the charms are pictures of both of my grandads.

The bride and groom

Anthony and the bridesmaids
Amy and the groomsmen
The groom's cake...somehow I don't have a picture of the wedding cake.
Dancing the night away!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We are getting married in 24 days!
I am so excited about our upcoming wedding. Everything is going much smoother than I ever thought that it would...I hope that doesn't jinx us. The other day I watched an episode of Dr. Phil about "Wedding Disasters". That was a bad idea. One bride spent $35,000 on her wedding and the groom didn't show up. That OF COURSE prompted me to call Anthony to inform him that this BETTER NOT happen to me! He laughed and called me Bridezilla, but hey I wanted to make sure I covered all of my bases.
About a week ago I got stung by a wasp...in my chest! Only I would get stung by a wasp and break out all over my chest...did I mention my dress is strapless!? The rash has cleared, but there is an ugly scare there that I am sure will not be gone in the next few weeks.
On top of all of the wedding planning and wasp sting (not to mention being busy at work)...I was too weak to say no to being the director of our church's Vacation Bible School again this year! I must be nuts! I initially said no, but then I started to feel guilty about always asking the Lord to bless us and then when it's time to do something for him I am "too busy." So to say the least I'm doing it!
All in all life is good and I am eagerly anticipating our upcoming nuptials. I promise to blog again before the wedding!
About a week ago I got stung by a wasp...in my chest! Only I would get stung by a wasp and break out all over my chest...did I mention my dress is strapless!? The rash has cleared, but there is an ugly scare there that I am sure will not be gone in the next few weeks.
On top of all of the wedding planning and wasp sting (not to mention being busy at work)...I was too weak to say no to being the director of our church's Vacation Bible School again this year! I must be nuts! I initially said no, but then I started to feel guilty about always asking the Lord to bless us and then when it's time to do something for him I am "too busy." So to say the least I'm doing it!
All in all life is good and I am eagerly anticipating our upcoming nuptials. I promise to blog again before the wedding!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bridal Shower
This weekend was my bridal shower. I can't believe we are getting married next month! My bridesmaids hosted a bridal shower in my honor and I had a blast. They planned a tropical themed shower...the decorations and food were great. I am so blessed to have such great friends and wonderful family.
Below are a few pictures...

My sister (Maid of Honor) putting up the final touches!

Some of my bridesmaids and my goddaughter, Cayden.

They did such a great job decorating.

Isn't this pretty

Everyone was so gracious...I got tons of gifts...now it's time to write thank-you notes.

Ashley (cousin), Crystal (friend and bridesmaid), Gelisicia (sister and maid of honor) and Cayden.

All of the bridesmaids and junior bridesmaid
Below are a few pictures...
My sister (Maid of Honor) putting up the final touches!
Some of my bridesmaids and my goddaughter, Cayden.
They did such a great job decorating.
Isn't this pretty
Everyone was so gracious...I got tons of gifts...now it's time to write thank-you notes.
Ashley (cousin), Crystal (friend and bridesmaid), Gelisicia (sister and maid of honor) and Cayden.
All of the bridesmaids and junior bridesmaid
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I wonder if I have a shopping problem.
I have always known that shopping one of my favorite things to do, but when my mom read a book about a girl who shops a lot she said that the girl reminds her of me. However, she did follow up with "but you are not as bad as her." I decided to read the book and I am nothing like this girl, but I wonder if I may be a tad "addicted" to shopping. I'll show you a few of my recent purchases.

This is the book my mom and I read...it is actually pretty good.

I have also read this book, but I am not as addicted to shopping as this character either.

This is a skirt that I bought from Ann Taylor Loft...for only $4.99

This is an outfit I also bought from Loft...the pants were only $9.99 and the shirt was on sale for $4.99...WOO HOO!

Two coats that I ordered from Old Navy...only $14.99 each...I may shop a lot,but I do get some really good deals.

Pants and shirt from The Limited...the pants were on sale, but the shirt was not...hey you can't win them all.

So this dress from The Limited wasn't on sale either BUT I bought it wear to my shower...

These shoes WERE on sale..40% off at Dillards!
I may shop a little bit too much, but at least I try to catch most things on sale. I'm really going to try to be better...we will see how that progresses.

This is the book my mom and I read...it is actually pretty good.

I have also read this book, but I am not as addicted to shopping as this character either.

This is a skirt that I bought from Ann Taylor Loft...for only $4.99

This is an outfit I also bought from Loft...the pants were only $9.99 and the shirt was on sale for $4.99...WOO HOO!

Two coats that I ordered from Old Navy...only $14.99 each...I may shop a lot,but I do get some really good deals.

Pants and shirt from The Limited...the pants were on sale, but the shirt was not...hey you can't win them all.

So this dress from The Limited wasn't on sale either BUT I bought it wear to my shower...

These shoes WERE on sale..40% off at Dillards!
I may shop a little bit too much, but at least I try to catch most things on sale. I'm really going to try to be better...we will see how that progresses.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
January in Review
Well, January has come and gone...man this year is flying by! Here is a short update about what has been happening in my life.

My mom and I attended on the Neighborhood Inaugural Balls in Dothan. My grandfather was honored and I went to represent my family.

Anthony and I realized that we can't dance...so we decided to take dance lessons. This is a picture of us practicing at my parent's house. Our parent's soon caught the fever and we all took a dance lesson last weekend.
Other than that my life has been pretty much the same...work and wedding planning!
My mom and I attended on the Neighborhood Inaugural Balls in Dothan. My grandfather was honored and I went to represent my family.
Anthony and I realized that we can't dance...so we decided to take dance lessons. This is a picture of us practicing at my parent's house. Our parent's soon caught the fever and we all took a dance lesson last weekend.
Other than that my life has been pretty much the same...work and wedding planning!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...from a really bad blogger!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! We had a wonderful holiday season. It didn't hurt that I was off of work for almost two weeks...woo hoo! Today it is back to work and back to my real life.
First let's start with Christmas...
Anthony and I spent Christmas Eve just the two of us. We made egg nog (it was a disaster), rum cake (it was a catastrophe), ordered pizza (that was our only successful venture) and opened presents. Anthony bought me a Coach purse (yea!!!), set of "good" knives, and a Coach wristlet (that I use as a makeup bag). I really thought he did really good this year...he needed to because last year's gift didn't go over so well! I bought him a bow tie, new slacks for work, and a Wal-Mart gift card.
We spent Christmas morning with Anthony's family. It was so much fun watching his niece and nephew open there gifts. Christmas is much better with kids around.

Kayla and Kaleb opening presents.
We then went to my parents house to spend some time with them. My mom reminded me how much better Christmas will be when she has grandkids. We all got really good gifts (I know that isn't the reason for Christmas, but let's be honest everyone wants to get good gifts!)

You can see what I thought about what my parent's bought Anthony.

Mom loved that digital picture frame Anthony bought her!

I am standing on the tip of my toes in this picture.

I am standing on the couch and he is still taller than me!

My sister, brother, and me.
Later that night we went to my Grandma Helen's house. We visited with her and some of cousins for a while.

Three generations!
Anthony had to go back to work the next day so we spent New Year's Eve in Montgomery. New Year's was actually fun this year...I usually am not awake to see the new year come in. We went out to dinner at Shogun and to a jazz club afterwards. It was tons of fun and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I for one was happy to see 2008 go...it was a really tough year and I am looking forward to (praying that) 2009 is much better.

New Year's Eve!
Also, my wedding dress came in a few days before Christmas! I was so excited to get it a month earlier than it was supposed to arrive. I went and tried it on and I still love it! I also bought a veil....I'm not big on the veil thing,but I gave in!

You can see I'm not too excited about trying on veils!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
First let's start with Christmas...
Anthony and I spent Christmas Eve just the two of us. We made egg nog (it was a disaster), rum cake (it was a catastrophe), ordered pizza (that was our only successful venture) and opened presents. Anthony bought me a Coach purse (yea!!!), set of "good" knives, and a Coach wristlet (that I use as a makeup bag). I really thought he did really good this year...he needed to because last year's gift didn't go over so well! I bought him a bow tie, new slacks for work, and a Wal-Mart gift card.
We spent Christmas morning with Anthony's family. It was so much fun watching his niece and nephew open there gifts. Christmas is much better with kids around.

Kayla and Kaleb opening presents.
We then went to my parents house to spend some time with them. My mom reminded me how much better Christmas will be when she has grandkids. We all got really good gifts (I know that isn't the reason for Christmas, but let's be honest everyone wants to get good gifts!)

You can see what I thought about what my parent's bought Anthony.

Mom loved that digital picture frame Anthony bought her!

I am standing on the tip of my toes in this picture.

I am standing on the couch and he is still taller than me!

My sister, brother, and me.
Later that night we went to my Grandma Helen's house. We visited with her and some of cousins for a while.

Three generations!
Anthony had to go back to work the next day so we spent New Year's Eve in Montgomery. New Year's was actually fun this year...I usually am not awake to see the new year come in. We went out to dinner at Shogun and to a jazz club afterwards. It was tons of fun and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I for one was happy to see 2008 go...it was a really tough year and I am looking forward to (praying that) 2009 is much better.

New Year's Eve!
Also, my wedding dress came in a few days before Christmas! I was so excited to get it a month earlier than it was supposed to arrive. I went and tried it on and I still love it! I also bought a veil....I'm not big on the veil thing,but I gave in!
You can see I'm not too excited about trying on veils!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
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