So I am back on Weight Watchers. I tried to live life freely without it and it shows. I have gained so much unwanted weight. So I decided yesterday morning that it is back to the only program that works for me...at least in the last five years. Pray for me...I'll need it!

On a happier note...I ordered my wedding dress last week. I was having a bad day and I needed to shop. I really couldn't afford to waste any money so I decided to buy my wedding dress. I did feel much better afterwards and I am so happy that it is another thing off of my list. I have have included a picture of the dress I didn't choose. It was a close #2, but I am sure I made the right choice.
Anthony and I took engagement pictues on Sunday...I'll post them later.
WW worked for me, but as soon as I stopped it all came back. I guess I never really made a "life style" change. Good Luck!
wow, dress #2 is so pretty so I'm excited to see #1. gorgeous.
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