Tuesday, July 15, 2008

100 facts...I've caught the bug!

During my hours (yes, I do mean hours) of blog stalking I have seen tons of people with a list of 100 things you may or may not know about me. I've decided it would be a good idea to put together a list of my own. I am not going to do them all at once...my attention span isn't long enough for that! Here are the first ten...


1. I attended both the University of Alabama and Auburn University.
2. My parents got a divorce when I was 2 years old.
3. I NEVER changed my major in undergrad...I changed it 3 times in grad school!
4. I have four siblings...my mom has two kids other than me...my dad has two kids other than me....my siblings ages range from 8-19 years old...I know it's confusing! (refer to #2 for a better understanding)
5. I really do think I was my Granddaddy Wylie's favorite
6. My favorite movie of all time is Annie...I still watch it at least once or twice a year.
7. Until just recently, I didn't plan to change my last name when I get married...I've now decided to make it my middle name.
Side note: When my Granddaddy Wylie met Anthony and realized we were dating pretty seriously he told him..."maybe one day you will be a Yelverton too." I never knew this story until a few days ago...maybe that explains my attachment to my last name.
8. I tell my mom almost everything...we talk 2-3 times a day!
9. Even if I could afford not to work, I probably still would....not full-time though!
10. I have terrible motion sickness...I can't even ride in the backseat of a car.


Heather said...

I love Annie too. I have the soundtrack so I can sing along in the car. I don't like the remakes that have been done. I prefer the '80's version.

brookeisacrazylady said...

I need to go watch annie...great music. those were great, i don't think i knew a single one.