Anthony and I are officially engaged! We got engaged on Sunday morning. I'm so excited and I cannot wait to get married. It's amazing how everyone asks the same questions so here are the answers.
1. How did he propose?
Anthony came to visit this weekend and I had a feeling he might propose. Well, Friday and Saturday came and went with no proposal. Sunday morning around 3 a.m. I woke up and surprisingly Anthony was awake. Our talk went something like this:
Anthony: When do you think is the perfect time to propose?
Amy: Anytime is the perfect time.
Anthony: What about right now?
Amy (Now Wide Awake): Uhhhh...
Anthony: Will you marry me?
Amy: Of Course!!!!!
He gives me the ring!
Anthony: blah, blah, blah (this is actually a bunch of nice stuff that if I told he would deny)
Amy: blah, blah, blah (more nice stuff that I would deny saying)
Amy: Does this mean I have to stop cussing?
I know this wasn't the most romantic thing to say, but there is a story behind the question. I have the foulest mouth and Anthony doesn't cuss. For years he has asked me to stop cussing. I told him that I would stop when we get engaged...that bought me some time...lots of time. So now I have to try to hold up my end of the deal!
Now to the rest of the story...It turns out that Anthony was awake because he had not been asleep. His plan was to slip the ring on my finger while I was asleep, but for some reason I kept sleeping with my hand under me that night. He had been awake all night waiting for me to move off of my hand...he gave up! The way he proposed was perfect to me!
We woke up a few hours after the proposal to the sound of sirens blaring. My apartment complex was on fire! It just wouldn't be us if something crazy like that didn't happen.
2. When are you going to get married?
The plan is to get married April 18, 2009.
3. Were you expecting it?
YES, but I have been expecting it for five years! There have been several times when I was just sure he was going to propose that day, weekend, week, etc. I have always been wrong. So I was still surprised.
So there you go...the story of our engagement!
Congratulations! (It's about time.)
I totally agree! It is certainly time...you are one of the few who realize just how long we have been together.
Congrats too! Yahoo!
okay, how am I just getting the Heather connection?
Amy and I worked together at the United Way for about two years. We both started and left about the same time. It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since we left there.
Aahhhhh. such a small world.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I've been meaning to call you but Taylor has been sick and things have just been crazy. I can't wait to start hearing all of the wedding details. See you in a couple of weeks!
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