When I was in college, Granddaddy Henry would always have to have a "talk" with me before I would return to school...he would say "be smart, don't let the boys take advantage of you"...then he would hand me $20 "for gas" and make me promise not to tell the other grandkids. He wanted only the best for his family and he did what he could to help us achieve that. I have only fond memories of him and I miss him as much today as I did two years ago!
Granddaddy Wylie was always my hero...he still is! He taught me to stand up for myself and to always believe in something. He would often tell me "people don't have to like you, but they must respect you." I loved (and sometimes hated) campaigning with him...like it or not...it wasn't optional. When I 21 or 22 years old I realized that it really was optional. So one day when Granddaddy called me to help him campaign that weekend I said "no." He was so mad...he hung up on me. I couldn't believe he hung up on me. He didn't call me for a few days and I thought he would stay mad forever. He didn't...he called me a few days later and asked me if I wanted to go eat oyster's with him....that was Granddaddy's idea of an apology.
I miss talking to them, getting their advice (both wanted and unwanted), but most of all I just miss their presence. I wish they were going to be here when I get married and when I have children....they would have been such wonderful great-granddads. I hate that Granddaddy Wylie didn't get to vote for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton...he would have gotten such a kick out of that! I wish Granddaddy Henry could have seen me finish my master's degree...he always pushed so hard for me to get a good education. Although there are many things they won't get to experience with us, they did get to experience so much. I'm thankful that God allowed us to have so much time with them. I'm grateful that he allowed me to really get to know my grandfathers after I became an adult...I don't think I truly appreciated them and their wisdom until then. I miss them everyday! I am so thankful to God for Granddaddy's.
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