I spent a lot of the two weeks in Dothan visiting family. I'm not a good wife, because I left my sweet husband in Auburn all alone to fend for himself. Anthony works incredibly long hours during this time of year and I WAS NOT going to spend my vacation alone. I spent the first week at my parent's house. It is always good to visit family, but I must admit I like being a my own house too. My mother is definitely the queen of her castle and I was anxious to get back the house where I reign.
On Christmas day we went to four houses. Christmas morning was spent with the Wares, lunch with the Yelvertons, dinner with the McElroys, and dessert with the Thomas family....I was exhausted, but glad to see everyone. Christmas this year was a little different not having some cherised loved ones there, but we made it through and managed to have a little fun in the process. On the day after Christmas, we went to visit Anthony's grandmother in Birmingham.
New Year's was low key. We went out to a nice dinner and to a movie. We went to see It's Complicated....Anthony choice, but I'm sure he did it for me. It was a very cute movie and I laughed almost the entire time.
2009 was certainly a year of change for us. We got married, I changed jobs, we moved, my grandmother and Anthony's mother passed...HOWEVER, we made it through all of that and are stronger because of it. I am looking forward to a wonderful 2010 and all of the blessings that the Lord has in store for us!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Our First Christmas!
The family!
My mom, sister, and brother all got new ipods for Christmas...I didn't...I was a good girl this year I promise!