I will admit that I watch too much television...trash tv to be exact. So I often find myself thinking about things that are not necessarily important and certainly don't have an effect on my daily life. However, I also think a lot about things that do have a direct effect on me. Here are few things that have been occupying my mind lately:
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin- I HATE Jon Gosselin. Maybe hate is a little too strong (considering I have never even met him), but I really dislike him. It drives me crazy when people let fame rule their lives. He is such a whiner. I'm am so sick of hearing how mean and nasty Kate is. I am really mean and nasty sometimes too....and I don't have EIGHT kids. So what if she isn't the most pleasant person...suck it up Jon! I stopped watching the show when they announced they were separating. It just changed the whole show for me and I couldn't watch this family be torn apart.

2. Bridezilla! Why is someone actually marrying these women? Don't they know it is hard enough to make a marriage work when both people are sane (at least somewhat sane). I love this show and can't help,but to watch this train wreck.

3. How long is too long? I ask this question only because I am still REALLY grieving over the lose of my Grandma Clara. There isn't a day (an hour really) that goes by that I don't think about her. At least once a week, I find myself in tears over not having her here with us. I know that is so selfish, but I really miss her. My mom says to just "give it time", but I still wonder how long is too long to feel this way?

4. Auburn Football- Now I LOVE my Auburn Tigers, but come on...losing three games in a row is still a little much (even for us avid supporters). Don't get me wrong...I still believe we can salvage this season. All it would take for me is a win on November 27th!!! Although, I would prefer to win a few more between now and then. WDE!!!

5. Tyler. My little brother to be exact. He is just a great kid. He is the best 17-year-old kid I know. I love Tyler so much and I am so proud of him. By the way, he was the leading player in yardage at this week's rivalry high school football game. Tyler plays for my high school's rival (Dothan High School...I went to Northview), but I can't help but to cheer him on! Although I am proud of him athletically, I am most proud of his character. My parents have raised an amazing young man and I feel like he doesn't know just how proud we all are of him. I think being a teenage boy is so much harder than it was for me to be a teenage girl...he has handled it beautifully!

6. Money. Can you ever really have enough? That's all I have to say about that!